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Alyx Shultz
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Poster Presentation
Researchers are actively addressing the questions that haunts all agriculturalists: Will we be able to feed the projected population of 9.8 billion people in 2050? Newly developed soil mixes might be the key to solving this daunting question. Research is proving that this sustainable media is a way to add nutrients back into our existing soil.
Spring Scholars Week 2019 Event
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Mabel's Garden
Comparison of Peat-Based Planting Media to Sustainably Produced Planting Medias: Watering and Other Considerations
Researchers are actively addressing the questions that haunts all agriculturalists: Will we be able to feed the projected population of 9.8 billion people in 2050? Newly developed soil mixes might be the key to solving this daunting question. Research is proving that this sustainable media is a way to add nutrients back into our existing soil.