Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: A Sign of the Times: Examination of Sexism in Popular Films

A Sign of the Times: Examination of Sexism in Popular Films

Presenter Information

Alex VelezFollow

Academic Level at Time of Presentation



Clinical Psychology

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Jana Hackathorn

Presentation Format

Oral Presentation


A Sign of the Times: Examination of Sexism in Popular Films

Sexism has been typically been conceptualized as hostility towards women. More recently, sexism has been become a multidimensional construct that is made of two different dimensions: benevolent and hostile sexism. Benevolent sexism can be defined as an attitude of stereotyping women into restricted roles that allow for masculine dominance to rule, while hostile sexism encompasses a prejudice attitude towards women. It is known that our culture has evolved and continues to do so at rapid pace. Since the 1950s, it is easy to see that women’s roles have changed drastically. Additionally, this change can also be seen through various types of media such as movies. The goal of this study aims to examine cultural changes through the lens of benevolent and hostile sexism ranging from the 1950s to the 2000s. Accounts of hostile and benevolent sexism will be viewed through movies due to their ability to mirror the image of the culture at the time they were produced.

It was hypothesized that benevolent and hostile sexism will be seen in all movies, with hostile sexism being more prevalent in the 1900s than in the 2000s. However, it is unclear whether benevolent sexism will change. Additionally, we will examine these behaviors across movie genres (e.g., sci-fi, romance).

Spring Scholars Week 2019 Event

Psychology: Projects In-Process

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A Sign of the Times: Examination of Sexism in Popular Films

A Sign of the Times: Examination of Sexism in Popular Films

Sexism has been typically been conceptualized as hostility towards women. More recently, sexism has been become a multidimensional construct that is made of two different dimensions: benevolent and hostile sexism. Benevolent sexism can be defined as an attitude of stereotyping women into restricted roles that allow for masculine dominance to rule, while hostile sexism encompasses a prejudice attitude towards women. It is known that our culture has evolved and continues to do so at rapid pace. Since the 1950s, it is easy to see that women’s roles have changed drastically. Additionally, this change can also be seen through various types of media such as movies. The goal of this study aims to examine cultural changes through the lens of benevolent and hostile sexism ranging from the 1950s to the 2000s. Accounts of hostile and benevolent sexism will be viewed through movies due to their ability to mirror the image of the culture at the time they were produced.

It was hypothesized that benevolent and hostile sexism will be seen in all movies, with hostile sexism being more prevalent in the 1900s than in the 2000s. However, it is unclear whether benevolent sexism will change. Additionally, we will examine these behaviors across movie genres (e.g., sci-fi, romance).