Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Educational Disparities Displayed in a Card Game

Educational Disparities Displayed in a Card Game

Academic Level at Time of Presentation




2nd Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation


2nd Student Major


2nd Student Minor


3rd Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation


3rd Student Major


3rd Student Minor


4th Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation


4th Student Major


4th Student Minor


5th Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation


5th Student Major


Presentation Format

Poster Presentation


There are many external factors that influence an individual’s likelihood of success, including social, economic, and cultural factors. These variables also impact educational experiences, which may lead to higher or lower levels of success over time. Depending on the quality of education and amount received, individuals can advance in social status, remain stagnant, or fall to a lower rank than what they originally held. Throughout the selected reading, Annette Lareau analyzes how parenting styles can influence both short-term educational outcomes and long-term socioeconomic gains. These styles, differing greatly between parents of different socioeconomic statuses, are adequate examples of external factors that impact life outcomes. Our presentation will demonstrate the degree of impact that may result by leading the class in a card game activity, which will introduce random life chances that may either hinder or encourage the upward social mobility of each individual participating.

Spring Scholars Week 2019 Event


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Educational Disparities Displayed in a Card Game

There are many external factors that influence an individual’s likelihood of success, including social, economic, and cultural factors. These variables also impact educational experiences, which may lead to higher or lower levels of success over time. Depending on the quality of education and amount received, individuals can advance in social status, remain stagnant, or fall to a lower rank than what they originally held. Throughout the selected reading, Annette Lareau analyzes how parenting styles can influence both short-term educational outcomes and long-term socioeconomic gains. These styles, differing greatly between parents of different socioeconomic statuses, are adequate examples of external factors that impact life outcomes. Our presentation will demonstrate the degree of impact that may result by leading the class in a card game activity, which will introduce random life chances that may either hinder or encourage the upward social mobility of each individual participating.