Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Mapping of Urban Sprawl in Warrick County IN using Remote Sensing and GIS

Mapping of Urban Sprawl in Warrick County IN using Remote Sensing and GIS

Presenter Information

Keenan LautnerFollow

Academic Level at Time of Presentation



Civil engineering Technology

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Haluk Cetin

Presentation Format

Poster Presentation


The purpose of this study was to show the land cover change of Warrick County, IN in using remote sensing and geographic information systems. This area is adjacent to the urban area of Evansville, IN that is vastly expanding. The study is over Warrick county in the last 30 years. The study was done in ten-year intervals starting in 1985. The urban areas of Evansville are increasing and expanding into the adjacent county of Warrick. Unfortunately, as the urban areas increase, agricultural fields have decreased due to the population jump throughout southern Indiana. Furthermore, this trend is usually not subject to change overtime until population plateaus.

Spring Scholars Week 2019 Event

Sigma Xi Poster Competition (Juried)

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Mapping of Urban Sprawl in Warrick County IN using Remote Sensing and GIS

The purpose of this study was to show the land cover change of Warrick County, IN in using remote sensing and geographic information systems. This area is adjacent to the urban area of Evansville, IN that is vastly expanding. The study is over Warrick county in the last 30 years. The study was done in ten-year intervals starting in 1985. The urban areas of Evansville are increasing and expanding into the adjacent county of Warrick. Unfortunately, as the urban areas increase, agricultural fields have decreased due to the population jump throughout southern Indiana. Furthermore, this trend is usually not subject to change overtime until population plateaus.