ORCA General Poster Session (Virtual)
Academic Level at Time of Presentation
Middle School Education
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Dr. Hendley
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Poster Presentation
In stores today, several brands of cookies use selective word choices directed towards the consumer, for example, by using the words organic or natural. Prior research has analyzed in a similar fashion, but to my knowledge has not used this specific test group. In this research, I show how packaging for cookies affect buyer’s choice, as well as, price in comparison to health. Importantly, as claims on package towards a healthier product increase, so does price. I further examine how cost changes the focus of the product from healthy to delicious, or bulk size, in order to demonstrate how consumers are persuaded based on their social economic status. I find that the more expensive a product becomes the more words used towards health and authenticity increases. This article breaks down packaging literature and demonstrates how products can use different words to communicate to the specific needs of different social economic standings. Furthermore, I display how literature on packaging changes as price increases.
Spring Scholars Week 2020 Event
General Scholars Week Posters (Non-Juried)
Included in
Tasteful Cookie Lingo
In stores today, several brands of cookies use selective word choices directed towards the consumer, for example, by using the words organic or natural. Prior research has analyzed in a similar fashion, but to my knowledge has not used this specific test group. In this research, I show how packaging for cookies affect buyer’s choice, as well as, price in comparison to health. Importantly, as claims on package towards a healthier product increase, so does price. I further examine how cost changes the focus of the product from healthy to delicious, or bulk size, in order to demonstrate how consumers are persuaded based on their social economic status. I find that the more expensive a product becomes the more words used towards health and authenticity increases. This article breaks down packaging literature and demonstrates how products can use different words to communicate to the specific needs of different social economic standings. Furthermore, I display how literature on packaging changes as price increases.