Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Advertising to the Masses

ORCA General Poster Session (Virtual)

Advertising to the Masses

Presenter Information

Kahlysia MurrellFollow

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Dr. Alexandra Hendley

Presentation Format

Poster Presentation


Advertising to the Masses

Keywords: Masculine, feminine, family, stereotypes, standardization

How do advertisements target their audience in comparison to gender? Beauty in the “I” of the Beholder: Effects of Idealized Media Portrayals on Implicit Self-Image proved women are held at a standard different to men. The Influence of Masculinity and Femininity in Different Advertising Processing Contexts: An Accessibility Perspective discovered that women tend to watch their figure more after seeing ads depicting the “ideal” woman and lean towards foods that are advertised as healthy or outright state that it’s the better option for women. I used existing advertisements that could be found in magazines and found that of the 25 ads, only 4 mentioned/depicted children or home to try to sell their product. 5 of the ads emphasized the portion of the meal/food being sold. There were 2 men in some ads and 2 women in a couple of the ads mentioned. This shows that some ads have a certain angle when they want to sell something and will try to appeal to specific audiences, like women, men, or families with children. They use subtle messages to gather attention and convince the viewer that they should buy the product.

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Advertising to the Masses

Advertising to the Masses

Keywords: Masculine, feminine, family, stereotypes, standardization

How do advertisements target their audience in comparison to gender? Beauty in the “I” of the Beholder: Effects of Idealized Media Portrayals on Implicit Self-Image proved women are held at a standard different to men. The Influence of Masculinity and Femininity in Different Advertising Processing Contexts: An Accessibility Perspective discovered that women tend to watch their figure more after seeing ads depicting the “ideal” woman and lean towards foods that are advertised as healthy or outright state that it’s the better option for women. I used existing advertisements that could be found in magazines and found that of the 25 ads, only 4 mentioned/depicted children or home to try to sell their product. 5 of the ads emphasized the portion of the meal/food being sold. There were 2 men in some ads and 2 women in a couple of the ads mentioned. This shows that some ads have a certain angle when they want to sell something and will try to appeal to specific audiences, like women, men, or families with children. They use subtle messages to gather attention and convince the viewer that they should buy the product.