Senior Nursing Poster Session (Virtual)
Aromatherapy for Pain Reduction in Laboring Women
Academic Level at Time of Presentation
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Presentation Format
Poster Presentation
Pregnant mothers can become so overwhelmed by the thought that labor pain can be so intense, they become fearful of the childbirth experience. Aromatherapy is a complimentary therapy that can be used by virtually anyone, including a laboring woman. Kolcaba’s theory of comfort was used to guide this research because aromatherapy causes decreased anxiety that leads to comfort and the ability to focus on the labor experience and welcoming a new baby. There are some contraindications and criteria a woman needs to follow to use aromatherapy during labor. Specific essential oils can decrease nausea, pain and anxiety during labor. Aromatherapy can be used through inhalation, massage or bath for a foot soak. These methods are low in cost, have an ease of access, and a holistic approach that are appealing to laboring mothers. There have been no known adverse effects using aromatherapy during the childbirth experience, including no change in Apgar scores. Nurses who would implement aromatherapy to their laboring patients need to follow guidelines and have safety certifications in this therapy. The hospitals also need to follow guidelines to provide safe care while implementing this therapy.
Spring Scholars Week 2020 Event
Evidence Based Best Practices in Clinical Healthcare (Posters)
Full Poster
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Aromatherapy for Pain Reduction in Laboring Women
Pregnant mothers can become so overwhelmed by the thought that labor pain can be so intense, they become fearful of the childbirth experience. Aromatherapy is a complimentary therapy that can be used by virtually anyone, including a laboring woman. Kolcaba’s theory of comfort was used to guide this research because aromatherapy causes decreased anxiety that leads to comfort and the ability to focus on the labor experience and welcoming a new baby. There are some contraindications and criteria a woman needs to follow to use aromatherapy during labor. Specific essential oils can decrease nausea, pain and anxiety during labor. Aromatherapy can be used through inhalation, massage or bath for a foot soak. These methods are low in cost, have an ease of access, and a holistic approach that are appealing to laboring mothers. There have been no known adverse effects using aromatherapy during the childbirth experience, including no change in Apgar scores. Nurses who would implement aromatherapy to their laboring patients need to follow guidelines and have safety certifications in this therapy. The hospitals also need to follow guidelines to provide safe care while implementing this therapy.