JCSET | Projects in Biomathematics
The Mathematics Behind the Life Sustaining Circulatory System
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Dr. Maeve McCarthy
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Oral Presentation
The cardiovascular system is a requirement of life for a majority of animals. This system contains the heart, lungs, all blood vessels, and blood. Life is maintained by the heart pumping blood throughout the body providing the needed oxygen as well as other nutrients to the cells. Important breakthroughs in cardiology are mathematical models of the circulatory system’s function. These models aid researchers in studying the effect of various heart diseases, which are responsible for a large proportion of deaths worldwide. A major component of the system to model is the electro-mechanical coupling of the heart. This model simulates the electrical signals sent to the heart causing a contraction.
Spring Scholars Week 2021 Event
Principles of Biomathematics
The Mathematics Behind the Life Sustaining Circulatory System
The cardiovascular system is a requirement of life for a majority of animals. This system contains the heart, lungs, all blood vessels, and blood. Life is maintained by the heart pumping blood throughout the body providing the needed oxygen as well as other nutrients to the cells. Important breakthroughs in cardiology are mathematical models of the circulatory system’s function. These models aid researchers in studying the effect of various heart diseases, which are responsible for a large proportion of deaths worldwide. A major component of the system to model is the electro-mechanical coupling of the heart. This model simulates the electrical signals sent to the heart causing a contraction.