JCSET | Watershed Studies Institute Research Symposium
Identifying Key Nodes in Food Webs Via Graph Theory
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Dr. Howard Whiteman; Dr. Elizabeth Donovan
Presentation Format
Oral Presentation
We explore the interface of mathematics and ecology as it relates to the graph theoretic analysis of food webs. Using gut content data collected from Ambystoma mavortium nebulosum, the Arizona tiger salamander, from three different ponds in the Mexican Cut Nature Preserve, Gunnison County, Colorado, we construct food webs representing A. mavortium size classes individually. Through the application of graph theory, we then explore structural characteristics of these food webs that describe A. mavortium’s role as a predator in the size structured salamander populations found in the permanent ponds at the Mexican Cut.
Spring Scholars Week 2021 Event
Watershed Studies Institute Symposium
Identifying Key Nodes in Food Webs Via Graph Theory
We explore the interface of mathematics and ecology as it relates to the graph theoretic analysis of food webs. Using gut content data collected from Ambystoma mavortium nebulosum, the Arizona tiger salamander, from three different ponds in the Mexican Cut Nature Preserve, Gunnison County, Colorado, we construct food webs representing A. mavortium size classes individually. Through the application of graph theory, we then explore structural characteristics of these food webs that describe A. mavortium’s role as a predator in the size structured salamander populations found in the permanent ponds at the Mexican Cut.