Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Media Impact on People's View of Dog Breeds

Honors College Senior Thesis Presentations

Media Impact on People's View of Dog Breeds

Presenter Information

Claire CarricoFollow

Academic Level at Time of Presentation



Pre-veterinary medicine

Presentation Format



In this study, the researcher wanted to see how much of a difference the media had on the public opinion of certain dog breeds. The data collection was conducted via a survey that was open for two weeks. The results showed how much of an impact media actually has on the small community that received the survey. This community consisted of college students who have worked with animals and those who had majors outside of animal work. Combining these two areas of participants allowed for a wider pool of answers so the answers were not heavily one sided. The results showed that the impact was less than what the researcher originally thought but also showed that media has an impact on how people view dog breeds.

Spring Scholars Week 2022 Event

Honors College Senior Thesis Presentations

This document is currently not available here.



Media Impact on People's View of Dog Breeds

In this study, the researcher wanted to see how much of a difference the media had on the public opinion of certain dog breeds. The data collection was conducted via a survey that was open for two weeks. The results showed how much of an impact media actually has on the small community that received the survey. This community consisted of college students who have worked with animals and those who had majors outside of animal work. Combining these two areas of participants allowed for a wider pool of answers so the answers were not heavily one sided. The results showed that the impact was less than what the researcher originally thought but also showed that media has an impact on how people view dog breeds.