Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Data-Driven Machine Learning Methods for Remaining Useful Life Prediction

Honors College Senior Thesis Presentations

Data-Driven Machine Learning Methods for Remaining Useful Life Prediction

Academic Level at Time of Presentation



Computer Science, Mathematics

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Dr. Saptarshi Sengupta

Presentation Format

Oral Presentation


I will present my work exploring machine learning solutions for remaining useful life prediction for physical devices. In my work, I predict remaining useful life for hard-disk drives and aircraft engines. I train long short-term memory networks to achieve state-of-the-art performance for these two problems.

Spring Scholars Week 2022 Event

Honors College Senior Thesis Presentations

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Data-Driven Machine Learning Methods for Remaining Useful Life Prediction

I will present my work exploring machine learning solutions for remaining useful life prediction for physical devices. In my work, I predict remaining useful life for hard-disk drives and aircraft engines. I train long short-term memory networks to achieve state-of-the-art performance for these two problems.