Senior Nursing Poster Session (Virtual)
Academic Level at Time of Presentation
2nd Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation
2nd Student Major
Presentation Format
Poster Presentation
Alarm fatigue is a notable problem in the hospital setting. Alarm fatigue can decrease nurse response time and desensitize nurses to alarms. When this occurs, patient outcomes begin to be negatively affected. To combat this, we researched multiple articles on alarm fatigue and alarm management programs. These programs would be implemented and nurses would learn how to troubleshoot alarm equipment, how to recognize alarm fatigue, how to prevent alarm fatigue, and many more. Based on research articles, alarm management programs decrease alarm fatigue in nurses and the amount of alarms.
Spring Scholars Week 2022 Event
Senior Nursing Poster Session
Decreasing Alarm Fatigue Through Alarm Management Training
Alarm fatigue is a notable problem in the hospital setting. Alarm fatigue can decrease nurse response time and desensitize nurses to alarms. When this occurs, patient outcomes begin to be negatively affected. To combat this, we researched multiple articles on alarm fatigue and alarm management programs. These programs would be implemented and nurses would learn how to troubleshoot alarm equipment, how to recognize alarm fatigue, how to prevent alarm fatigue, and many more. Based on research articles, alarm management programs decrease alarm fatigue in nurses and the amount of alarms.