Sigma Xi Poster Competition
Above Ground Biomass Changes as Inferred from Different Satellite Products
Academic Level at Time of Presentation
Geography & GIS
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Dr. Bassil El Masri
Presentation Format
Poster Presentation
It is important to study biomass because it can help society know how much carbon is stored in the terrestrial ecosystem. Storing more carbon in the terrestrial ecosystem is essential to mitigate the effects of climate change. In this project we analyzed the biomass globally and regionally to compare and analyze the similarities and differences in the data obtained for the years 2010, 2017 and 2018. Satellite above ground biomass (AGB) data from six products were used. Globally, AGB ranged from 372 GtC in 2010 to 728 GtC in 2018. The regions with the largest change in AGB were South America and Southeast Asia, with a decrease in AGB by 15 GtC and 5 GtC, respectively. Remote sensing technologies plays an important role in monitoring the AGB changes with time, which will be essential to understand the natural ecosystem responses to the changing climate.
Spring Scholars Week 2022 Event
Sigma Xi Poster Competition
Above Ground Biomass Changes as Inferred from Different Satellite Products
It is important to study biomass because it can help society know how much carbon is stored in the terrestrial ecosystem. Storing more carbon in the terrestrial ecosystem is essential to mitigate the effects of climate change. In this project we analyzed the biomass globally and regionally to compare and analyze the similarities and differences in the data obtained for the years 2010, 2017 and 2018. Satellite above ground biomass (AGB) data from six products were used. Globally, AGB ranged from 372 GtC in 2010 to 728 GtC in 2018. The regions with the largest change in AGB were South America and Southeast Asia, with a decrease in AGB by 15 GtC and 5 GtC, respectively. Remote sensing technologies plays an important role in monitoring the AGB changes with time, which will be essential to understand the natural ecosystem responses to the changing climate.