Honors College Senior Thesis Presentations
SQL Docs Tool
Academic Level at Time of Presentation
Computer Science
Presentation Format
The goal of this project is to design, develop, test, and implement a project submitted by United Systems. The project consists of developing a website, APIs, and a database to create documentation for SQL scripts and entities. The website should be able to upload scripts to the API, edit and catalog documentation, and make the documents searchable. The website should also be accessible only to USS employees to maintain data privacy. The API should be able to receive, parse, and generate a pre-filled document with information about the script that it has gathered. The API will then store this information in a database and upload the document back to the website so the user can view and edit the document as needed. The database should be able to store generated documents and uploaded scripts. The website shall be developed using Angular with TypeScript, HTML, and CSS. The API shall be developed using C#. The database shall be maintained using SQL.
Spring Scholars Week 2023 Event
Honors College Senior Thesis Presentations
SQL Docs Tool
The goal of this project is to design, develop, test, and implement a project submitted by United Systems. The project consists of developing a website, APIs, and a database to create documentation for SQL scripts and entities. The website should be able to upload scripts to the API, edit and catalog documentation, and make the documents searchable. The website should also be accessible only to USS employees to maintain data privacy. The API should be able to receive, parse, and generate a pre-filled document with information about the script that it has gathered. The API will then store this information in a database and upload the document back to the website so the user can view and edit the document as needed. The database should be able to store generated documents and uploaded scripts. The website shall be developed using Angular with TypeScript, HTML, and CSS. The API shall be developed using C#. The database shall be maintained using SQL.