Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week:

Honors College Senior Thesis Presentations

Academic Level at Time of Presentation



English, Professional Writing


Creative Writing

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Dr. Andrew Black

Presentation Format

Oral Presentation


This thesis will explore C.S. Lewis’ theology of supernatural providence as depicted in Perelandra and the Silver Chair. Lewis repeatedly describes the supernatural as an intrusion upon the mundane, closely resembling the account of his personal conversion in Surprised by Joy. Both novels are explored through the lens of their intended audiences as well as their literary and mythological references and how each reveal Lewis' perspective on the divine.

Spring Scholars Week 2023 Event

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Other Scholars Week Event

English Department Brown Bag Session

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This thesis will explore C.S. Lewis’ theology of supernatural providence as depicted in Perelandra and the Silver Chair. Lewis repeatedly describes the supernatural as an intrusion upon the mundane, closely resembling the account of his personal conversion in Surprised by Joy. Both novels are explored through the lens of their intended audiences as well as their literary and mythological references and how each reveal Lewis' perspective on the divine.