SNHP | Senior Nursing Poster Session (Virtual)
Academic Level at Time of Presentation
2nd Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation
2nd Student Major
3rd Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation
3rd Student Major
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Mrs. Neely Chandler
Presentation Format
Poster Presentation - Murray State Access only
Emergency Department throughput time is a very important aspect of a patient’s quality of care and outcome goals. In order to help decrease the length of throughput time, bedside triage can be utilized. Beside triage eliminates the need for a designated triage room and allows for physicians to have the initial assessment of a patient. Bedside triage allows patients to be placed in a ED room and begin treatment quicker than if a triage room is utilized. Evidence based practice has shown that bedside triage with physicians present to complete an initial assessment decreases the time from admission to discharge or further care treatment that is required.
Decreasing ER Throughput Time
Emergency Department throughput time is a very important aspect of a patient’s quality of care and outcome goals. In order to help decrease the length of throughput time, bedside triage can be utilized. Beside triage eliminates the need for a designated triage room and allows for physicians to have the initial assessment of a patient. Bedside triage allows patients to be placed in a ED room and begin treatment quicker than if a triage room is utilized. Evidence based practice has shown that bedside triage with physicians present to complete an initial assessment decreases the time from admission to discharge or further care treatment that is required.