SNHP | Senior Nursing Poster Session (Virtual)
Academic Level at Time of Presentation
2nd Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation
2nd Student Major
Presentation Format
Poster Presentation
The Emergency Department (ED) is known as one of the most fast-paced environments in which nurses work. Because of the nature of their responsibilities and daily tasks, ED nurses are at high risk of injury. One of those tasks that occur multiple times throughout the day is patient transfers. The Emergency Department staff is constantly moving patients in and out of the unit. Most often, patients seen in the ED are weak, in pain, elderly, or unable to transfer from vehicles, ambulance, stretchers, or wheelchairs independently or without minimal assistance. Our research focuses on the benefits of using assistive devices to aid in these transfers to prevent both nurse and patient injury.
Spring Scholars Week 2023 Event
Senior Nursing Poster Session
The Benefits of Using Patient Transfer Devices in the Emergency Department
The Emergency Department (ED) is known as one of the most fast-paced environments in which nurses work. Because of the nature of their responsibilities and daily tasks, ED nurses are at high risk of injury. One of those tasks that occur multiple times throughout the day is patient transfers. The Emergency Department staff is constantly moving patients in and out of the unit. Most often, patients seen in the ED are weak, in pain, elderly, or unable to transfer from vehicles, ambulance, stretchers, or wheelchairs independently or without minimal assistance. Our research focuses on the benefits of using assistive devices to aid in these transfers to prevent both nurse and patient injury.