Sigma Xi Poster Competition
An Analysis of Tornadic Events' Effects on the Vegetation in Kentucky using GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques
Academic Level at Time of Presentation
Masters of Science
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Dr. Haluk Cetin
Presentation Format
Poster Presentation
From 2000 to 2022 the State of Kentucky experienced 593 tornado events with 561 events ranked from EF 0 to EF2 and 31 events ranking EF 3 to EF 4. Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in recent years have taken a large role in mitigation measures for communities against such hazardous events. This study examined tornado events that occurred between 2000 to 2022 based on the time of day, the season and region in which the events occurred. Remote sensing and GIS techniques were used to examine the three EF 4 events that occurred in the state of Kentucky including the most recent December 2021 tornado. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and Principal Component Analysis were used to examine the impact the tornados had along their paths right after the event and a year after the event occurred using a change detection analysis. Studying different factors that lead to tornadic events allows for emergency management teams to create mitigation strategies based on a region, the season, and the time of day a tornadic event is likely to occur. This study allowed for an analysis of such tornadic events’ effects on the vegetation in the area using GIS and remote sensing techniques.
Spring Scholars Week 2023 Event
Sigma Xi Poster Competition
An Analysis of Tornadic Events' Effects on the Vegetation in Kentucky using GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques
From 2000 to 2022 the State of Kentucky experienced 593 tornado events with 561 events ranked from EF 0 to EF2 and 31 events ranking EF 3 to EF 4. Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in recent years have taken a large role in mitigation measures for communities against such hazardous events. This study examined tornado events that occurred between 2000 to 2022 based on the time of day, the season and region in which the events occurred. Remote sensing and GIS techniques were used to examine the three EF 4 events that occurred in the state of Kentucky including the most recent December 2021 tornado. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and Principal Component Analysis were used to examine the impact the tornados had along their paths right after the event and a year after the event occurred using a change detection analysis. Studying different factors that lead to tornadic events allows for emergency management teams to create mitigation strategies based on a region, the season, and the time of day a tornadic event is likely to occur. This study allowed for an analysis of such tornadic events’ effects on the vegetation in the area using GIS and remote sensing techniques.