Sigma Xi Poster Competition
Academic Level at Time of Presentation
2nd Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation
2nd Student Major
Ag Systems Technology
3rd Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation
3rd Student Major
Ag Systems Technology
List all Project Mentors & Advisor(s)
Dr. Megan Taylor
Presentation Format
Poster Presentation
Charli Jo Archie, George Vaughn, Evan Comely
Murray State University Hutson School of Agriculture
Corn (Zea Mays) seed orientation plays a vital role in the emergence, development, and growth of corn plants. Orientation is the relative position of something, in this case it is the corn seed. This is important because in agriculture we are always trying to improve efficiency as well as yields. In our project we found that Variety A proved better than variety B regardless of seed orientation. We also concluded by looking at our charts that the best orientation was tip down compared to tip up, 90 degrees embryo up, or 90 degrees embryo down. We also observed that at day 3 we had no emergence at all no matter the hybrid type or the seed placement. This was no major surprise however, it was interesting to see that we had a lot of emergence when analyzing our data on day 6. Day 6 to day 9 had minimal change. Day 9 to day 13 also had minimal change with regards to emergence. Through this we were able to determine that the ideal period for emergence with all hybrids regardless of seed placement orientation is between days 3 and days 6. More fascinating information we found is in regards to the placement orientation itself. We were absolutely able to determine that the most growth happened with the placement of the tip down. Tip up, 90 degrees embryo down, and 90 degrees embryo up were the other three placements that we used along with the placement of tip down. It did not matter between hybrid A or hybrid B, tip down seed placement had the best results across the board. This is valuable to recognize since overall variety A did much better than variety B. It is important to note we did add water to all of the replications and samples. We did this to each one the same amount so it should not have any effect at all on our results, findings, and conclusions.
Keywords: Emergence, Orientation, Placement, Variety, CornCorn Seed Orientation Across Different Varieties (Zea Mays)
Spring Scholars Week 2023 Event
Sigma Xi Poster Competition
Corn Seed Orientation Across Different Varieties (Zea Mays)
Charli Jo Archie, George Vaughn, Evan Comely
Murray State University Hutson School of Agriculture
Corn (Zea Mays) seed orientation plays a vital role in the emergence, development, and growth of corn plants. Orientation is the relative position of something, in this case it is the corn seed. This is important because in agriculture we are always trying to improve efficiency as well as yields. In our project we found that Variety A proved better than variety B regardless of seed orientation. We also concluded by looking at our charts that the best orientation was tip down compared to tip up, 90 degrees embryo up, or 90 degrees embryo down. We also observed that at day 3 we had no emergence at all no matter the hybrid type or the seed placement. This was no major surprise however, it was interesting to see that we had a lot of emergence when analyzing our data on day 6. Day 6 to day 9 had minimal change. Day 9 to day 13 also had minimal change with regards to emergence. Through this we were able to determine that the ideal period for emergence with all hybrids regardless of seed placement orientation is between days 3 and days 6. More fascinating information we found is in regards to the placement orientation itself. We were absolutely able to determine that the most growth happened with the placement of the tip down. Tip up, 90 degrees embryo down, and 90 degrees embryo up were the other three placements that we used along with the placement of tip down. It did not matter between hybrid A or hybrid B, tip down seed placement had the best results across the board. This is valuable to recognize since overall variety A did much better than variety B. It is important to note we did add water to all of the replications and samples. We did this to each one the same amount so it should not have any effect at all on our results, findings, and conclusions.
Keywords: Emergence, Orientation, Placement, Variety, CornCorn Seed Orientation Across Different Varieties (Zea Mays)