Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Swelling Studies of Poly(Ionic Liquids) in Different Solvents and Salt Solutions

Sigma Xi Poster Competition

Academic Level at Time of Presentation



Polymer and Materials Science



Presentation Format

Oral Presentation


Poly(ionic liquid)s (PILs) represented a special class of polymers, which comprised of a polymeric backbone and ionic liquids (ILs) species in each monomeric repeating units. PILs has properties that combined the properties of ionic liquids (ILs) (i.e., high conductivity, better thermal and chemical stability, and tailor-made functionality) with the intrinsic properties of polymer (i.e., mechanical stability). This synergistic property makes PILs a good candidate for various applications such as stable-ion conductors, membranes for gas separations and sorbents. In the past, it was shown that PILs are capable of swelling when dissolved in different ILs but there are few literature reported till date that shows swelling behavior of PILs in common neutral solvents. Thus, to see the effect of swelling on PILs in common solvents, a series of simple monomeric ILs were synthesized containing styrene as backbone tethered with imidazolium moiety with different alkyl or ether linkages and their swelling properties. This presentation will show how swelling ratio is affected with change in different side chain (alkyl versus ether), type of solvent, reaction condition (presence or absence of initiator), and solvent polarity with varying dipole moments



Swelling Studies of Poly(Ionic Liquids) in Different Solvents and Salt Solutions

Poly(ionic liquid)s (PILs) represented a special class of polymers, which comprised of a polymeric backbone and ionic liquids (ILs) species in each monomeric repeating units. PILs has properties that combined the properties of ionic liquids (ILs) (i.e., high conductivity, better thermal and chemical stability, and tailor-made functionality) with the intrinsic properties of polymer (i.e., mechanical stability). This synergistic property makes PILs a good candidate for various applications such as stable-ion conductors, membranes for gas separations and sorbents. In the past, it was shown that PILs are capable of swelling when dissolved in different ILs but there are few literature reported till date that shows swelling behavior of PILs in common neutral solvents. Thus, to see the effect of swelling on PILs in common solvents, a series of simple monomeric ILs were synthesized containing styrene as backbone tethered with imidazolium moiety with different alkyl or ether linkages and their swelling properties. This presentation will show how swelling ratio is affected with change in different side chain (alkyl versus ether), type of solvent, reaction condition (presence or absence of initiator), and solvent polarity with varying dipole moments