Criminal Justice Student Research Panel

Media and Police Perception

Academic Level at Time of Presentation



Criminal Justice


Wildlife Management

2nd Student Academic Level at Time of Presentation


2nd Student Major

Criminal Justice

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Katy Hancock

Presentation Format

Oral Presentation


The purpose of this research is to determine whether and how media (specifically news and social) impact the public's opinion of physical appearance/attributes in American law enforcement. Specifically, media representations may influence people’s beliefs about the physical standards to which police are held, and subsequently perceptions of officers’ capabilities in the field. It is important to note how personal opinion of police officers could potentially affect the perception of performance of law enforcement officers, as well as have an effect on officer-community relations. Public scrutiny, as well as public support, could potentially affect the level at which law enforcement perform their duties and to what extent. In addition, public scrutiny in regards to physical appearance could create a stigma in law enforcement officers- potentially having an effect on the way officers perceive their physical well-being and the physical standards to which they hold themselves.

Spring Scholars Week 2024 Event

Criminal Justice Student Research Panel

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Media and Police Perception

The purpose of this research is to determine whether and how media (specifically news and social) impact the public's opinion of physical appearance/attributes in American law enforcement. Specifically, media representations may influence people’s beliefs about the physical standards to which police are held, and subsequently perceptions of officers’ capabilities in the field. It is important to note how personal opinion of police officers could potentially affect the perception of performance of law enforcement officers, as well as have an effect on officer-community relations. Public scrutiny, as well as public support, could potentially affect the level at which law enforcement perform their duties and to what extent. In addition, public scrutiny in regards to physical appearance could create a stigma in law enforcement officers- potentially having an effect on the way officers perceive their physical well-being and the physical standards to which they hold themselves.