Honors College Senior Thesis Presentations

Software Development and Market Research Process of Plasma

Presenter Information

Connor MooreFollow

Academic Level at Time of Presentation



Computer Science

List all Project Mentors & Advisor(s)

Jason Owen

Presentation Format

Oral Presentation


In this study I propose to complete two major tasks: (1) complete market research for software products needed for academic research and explore the challenges faced in acquiring the same and (2) develop a platform called Plasma that will address the issue faced in (1).

My market research will involve meeting with various research universities to see how they use software and more importantly how they acquire it. Additionally, I will see what changes they would like in how they acquire software. My goal with these meetings is to learn both how big of a problem they have finding the right software for their purposes, as well as get ideas as to the exact kind of product they would want. Furthermore, I will study similar services to see how other teams solve the same issues I may face.

Due to me working in a team to create this project, I must start on the development of Plasma before my market research is finished. However, I know generally what Plasma will require. First, we will use React, Node.js, and Bootstrap for the front-end because my team already has experience with those pieces of software. Second, we will use Microsoft Azure for hosting and backend work. The final pieces of software we know we’ll need are OAuth for general authentication and Stripe for monetary security.

Spring Scholars Week 2024 Event

Honors College Senior Thesis Presentations

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Software Development and Market Research Process of Plasma

In this study I propose to complete two major tasks: (1) complete market research for software products needed for academic research and explore the challenges faced in acquiring the same and (2) develop a platform called Plasma that will address the issue faced in (1).

My market research will involve meeting with various research universities to see how they use software and more importantly how they acquire it. Additionally, I will see what changes they would like in how they acquire software. My goal with these meetings is to learn both how big of a problem they have finding the right software for their purposes, as well as get ideas as to the exact kind of product they would want. Furthermore, I will study similar services to see how other teams solve the same issues I may face.

Due to me working in a team to create this project, I must start on the development of Plasma before my market research is finished. However, I know generally what Plasma will require. First, we will use React, Node.js, and Bootstrap for the front-end because my team already has experience with those pieces of software. Second, we will use Microsoft Azure for hosting and backend work. The final pieces of software we know we’ll need are OAuth for general authentication and Stripe for monetary security.