Nurse Anesthesia DNP Project Presentations

Pioneering Palliative Care: The Crucial Role of Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists

Presenter Information

Christopher MosherFollow

Academic Level at Time of Presentation



Nurse Anesthesia

List all Project Mentors & Advisor(s)

Tiffany Eye

Presentation Format

Poster Presentation - Murray State Access only


The World Health Organization (2020) reports that each year, an estimated 56.8 million people need palliative care, and only about 14% of people who currently need palliative care receive it. According to the 2021 Annual Report by the Kentucky Palliative Care Interdisciplinary Advisory Council there is inadequate access to palliative care in Kentucky. This highlights a growing gap to access to palliative care across the United States. How we bridge that gap is the very purpose of this project. A comprehensive understanding of pharmacology, drug titration, and pain relief modalities poses Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA) as ideal candidates to bridge the gap in access to palliative care. Since the CRNA role in palliative care has yet to be defined, a short educational session was created to provide current CRNAs practicing in a rural hospital in Kentucky where the development of a palliative care team is in its earliest of stages, regarding the role that anesthesia could play in the delivery of comprehensive palliative care. A pre and post education survey were provided to participating CRNAs. An overwhelming trend identified was the lack of CRNA education regarding palliative care modalities that are within the scope of practice of a CRNA. This project identified and addressed a gap in CRNA education regarding practicing to their full scope. Palliative care modalities are listed under the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) scope of practice for CRNAs.

Keywords: Nurse anesthesia, palliative care, certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA), anesthesia scope of practice, palliative care modalities, pain management

Spring Scholars Week 2024 Event

Nurse Anesthesia DNP Project Presentations (NUR 915)

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Pioneering Palliative Care: The Crucial Role of Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists

The World Health Organization (2020) reports that each year, an estimated 56.8 million people need palliative care, and only about 14% of people who currently need palliative care receive it. According to the 2021 Annual Report by the Kentucky Palliative Care Interdisciplinary Advisory Council there is inadequate access to palliative care in Kentucky. This highlights a growing gap to access to palliative care across the United States. How we bridge that gap is the very purpose of this project. A comprehensive understanding of pharmacology, drug titration, and pain relief modalities poses Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA) as ideal candidates to bridge the gap in access to palliative care. Since the CRNA role in palliative care has yet to be defined, a short educational session was created to provide current CRNAs practicing in a rural hospital in Kentucky where the development of a palliative care team is in its earliest of stages, regarding the role that anesthesia could play in the delivery of comprehensive palliative care. A pre and post education survey were provided to participating CRNAs. An overwhelming trend identified was the lack of CRNA education regarding palliative care modalities that are within the scope of practice of a CRNA. This project identified and addressed a gap in CRNA education regarding practicing to their full scope. Palliative care modalities are listed under the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) scope of practice for CRNAs.

Keywords: Nurse anesthesia, palliative care, certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA), anesthesia scope of practice, palliative care modalities, pain management