Sigma Xi Poster Competition
Identifying the Factors Affecting the Survival of the Trauma Patients Using Logistic Regression Analysis
Academic Level at Time of Presentation
Applied Statistics
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Dr. Manoj Pathak
Presentation Format
Poster Presentation
Numerous factors affect the clinical outcomes such as survival status of patients with physical trauma. Logistic regression is one of the widely used methods to analyze relationships between a set of factors with a binary outcome variable. In this study, we built a logistic regression model for a binary outcome variable, Hospital Discharge Status (HDS). Factors included in this analysis are injury severity score, admission to trauma, heart rate, length of hospital stay, patient transfer or direct admittance, and the lapsed time between an injury and arrival at the hospital. The goal of this retrospective observational study is to assess the association between the factors and HDS and evaluate the odds of survival corresponding to the factor.
Spring Scholars Week 2024 Event
Sigma Xi Poster Competition
Identifying the Factors Affecting the Survival of the Trauma Patients Using Logistic Regression Analysis
Numerous factors affect the clinical outcomes such as survival status of patients with physical trauma. Logistic regression is one of the widely used methods to analyze relationships between a set of factors with a binary outcome variable. In this study, we built a logistic regression model for a binary outcome variable, Hospital Discharge Status (HDS). Factors included in this analysis are injury severity score, admission to trauma, heart rate, length of hospital stay, patient transfer or direct admittance, and the lapsed time between an injury and arrival at the hospital. The goal of this retrospective observational study is to assess the association between the factors and HDS and evaluate the odds of survival corresponding to the factor.