Seeing Herself: A Woman's Journey from Kentucky to Europe in 1929
Streaming Media
Program or Course
INF 400
Academic Level at Time of Creation
English Literature
Information Studies
Date of Creation
Spring 2018
In May of 1929, Mary Roark left the small town of Greenville, Kentucky to take a three-month journey abroad. At just 22 years old, Mary did not let age or gender stop her from seeing the many sights that Europe had to offer. Seeing the world outside of her small town not only allowed her to learn more about other cultures, but also showed her just what she herself was capable of doing. This video chronicles her trip abroad, showcasing photos, souvenirs, journal entries, expense ledgers, and letters home from Mary herself.
Special thank you to Carol McClure, Mary's daughter, for sharing her voice and loaning these materials to the University Libraries for this project.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Recommended Citation
Wood, Rachel L., "Seeing Herself: A Woman's Journey from Kentucky to Europe in 1929" (2018). Student Scholarship & Creative Works. 3.
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