Murray State's Digital Commons - ALADN: Academic Library Advancement and Development Network 2019 Conference: Tips for Building Successful Partnerships between Libraries and Corporate donors

Presenter Information

Leia DrollFollow

Presenter Biography

Leia Droll has an extensive background in development and has worked in higher education and arts and cultural institutions. She has led the development team for the NC State University Libraries since 2013, and currently manages a staff of three who work to build support for the D. H. Hill, Hunt, and branch Libraries at NC State.

Document Type


Presentation Abstract

Over the last two years, the NC State University Libraries have successfully built new partnerships with many new corporations and corporate foundations, ranging from $5,000 to $500,000, by drawing on our contributions to student success, affordability, and workforce development. This presentation will provide an overview, including tips and sample language, of key gifts that have provided transformative resources for programming, services, learning spaces, and technology.

Presentation Objectives/Takeaways

How to craft language and opportunities that fit the strategic priorities of academic libraries and appeal to corporate donors.

How to make strong arguments about student success and workforce development that complement--not compete with--other campus units.

Best practices of cultivating key players at corporations and corporate foundations.



Tips for Building Successful Partnerships between Libraries and Corporate donors

Over the last two years, the NC State University Libraries have successfully built new partnerships with many new corporations and corporate foundations, ranging from $5,000 to $500,000, by drawing on our contributions to student success, affordability, and workforce development. This presentation will provide an overview, including tips and sample language, of key gifts that have provided transformative resources for programming, services, learning spaces, and technology.