ALADN 2019 - Louisville KY | ALADN: Academic Library Advancement and Development Network 2019 Conference

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$1,000: A Grand Plan to Connect Libraries with the Campus Research Community through Open Access

Ashley Ireland, Murray State University

A Whole New World: Celebrating 50 Years of the Smithsonian Libraries

Allie Swislocki
Gabriella Kahn, Smithsonian Libraries

Academic Libraries 101 Preconference

Carrie Cooper, William & Mary

Adventures in Fundraising @ North Dakota State University

Joe Mocnik, North Dakota State University - Main Campus

Becoming a Louisville Slugger: Academic Fundraising 101

Karlene Jennings, UNC Greensboro

Build, Brand, Boost!: Marketing and Communication Planning 101

Carolyn Dowd, University of Louisville

Celebrating Our Donors and Showcasing our Collections: Making an Annual Gala A Signature Event

Jason Lowery
Erin Horeni-Ogle

Decades & Dollars: Leveraging library milestones to inspire future giving

LeAnn Meyer, University of Kansas
Christy McWard, University of Kansas
Leah Hallstrom, University of Kansas

Facing Your Challenges, Finding the Finish Line

Jared Porter, Asbury University

Into the Great Unknown: crisis communications and fundraising after a disaster

Darchelle Martin, Kansas State University
Lori Goetsch, Kansas State University

Join the Club: Renewal Appeals for Donor Retention and Transformation

Laurel Lamb, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

JSTOR Alumni Access

Jason Phillips, JSTOR

Moving Pictures: Video Storytelling, Social Media Strategy and Digital Analytics for an Online Day of Giving

Nick Kneer, Miami University - Oxford

Moving the Horse before the Cart: Aligning Fundraising with Academic Library Trends

Michael A. Crumpton, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Joyce V. Garczynski, Towson University
Georgette M. Hunefeld, University of the Pacific
Karlene N. Jennings, University of North Carolina - Greensboro

Moving the Needle: Strategies for Negotiating Library Renovation ProjectScope

Carol Smith
Sarah Chambers, Colorado School of Mines

Research and Trends in Development

Christine Bernot

Surviving an Anniversary: How Not to Go Crazy Fundraising for Digitization and Documentaries

Bruce Hallmark

Tips for Building Successful Partnerships between Libraries and Corporate donors

Leia Droll

Twenty Things: Archives and Development in Collaboration

Kim Fill
Caroline J. White, UMass Amherst