Moving the Needle: Strategies for Negotiating Library Renovation ProjectScope
Presenter Biography
Carol Smith is the University Librarian of the Colorado School of Mines in Golden. Prior to Mines, she served as Library Director at Adams State University (2013-2016). Carol has served as 2018 President of the Colorado Association of Libraries and 2013 President of the Missouri Library Association.
Sarah Chambers is the Library Administration Program Assistant at Colorado School of Mines. Currently head of the communications team in the library and advancing development. Having traveled to all seven continents she is a student of cultures, food, and people. She is passionate about library advancement and assisting patrons.
Document Type
Presentation Abstract
Prior to fundraising for a library renovation or expansion, stakeholders must first collectively agree on the scope and cost of the prospective capital project. Doing so requires effective relationship building and awareness raising of the value, role, and ROI of libraries. As a case study, attendees will consider strategies employed at the Colorado School of Mines to navigate shared governance channels and advocate for a full vs. a partial library renovation. Successes, challenges, and best practices learned will be shared. Attendees across all library types will be encouraged to share their own experiences advocating for an appropriate library renovation scope.
Presentation Objectives/Takeaways
1. Renovation scope advocacy strategies
2. Effective navigation of academic shared governance.
3. Communication of library value in support of a renovation or expansion
Moving the Needle: Strategies for Negotiating Library Renovation ProjectScope
Prior to fundraising for a library renovation or expansion, stakeholders must first collectively agree on the scope and cost of the prospective capital project. Doing so requires effective relationship building and awareness raising of the value, role, and ROI of libraries. As a case study, attendees will consider strategies employed at the Colorado School of Mines to navigate shared governance channels and advocate for a full vs. a partial library renovation. Successes, challenges, and best practices learned will be shared. Attendees across all library types will be encouraged to share their own experiences advocating for an appropriate library renovation scope.