"Personal Touch" by Madison Henderson
Personal Touch

Personal Touch

Author/Artist Name

Madison HendersonFollow


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Academic Level at Time of Creation


Date of Creation

Spring 5-4-2018

Artist Statement

For me, creating art is a way to escape, a way to free my mind. Being able to design and then build my design with my own two hands is very satisfying and calming. Having the skills to create something that someone can actually use and or wear, I think is an amazing skill to acquire and have.

The work that I produce doesn’t always have a specific meaning or concept behind the creation. I mainly focus on the new skills and techniques that I have learned and put them forward to create something both aesthetically pleasing and functional. In doing this, it is a sort of escape. When I create something i want the viewer to be able to have a connection with it and decide for themselves what it means to them.


Sarah Martin; Jeanne Beaver


Walnut and Maple Table

36 x 36 x 18

Walnut Mitered mirror

15 x 15

Wenge Mitered Box

18 x 10 x 4

For This show, I mainly wanted to be able to display all of the techniques and new skills that I have acquired throughout my years at Murray State. I was able to show what I have learned in both my woodworking classes and my metalsmith classes.

Photo Credit

Photo credit, Sharon Henderson, 2018

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.

Personal Touch
