Author/Artist Name

Jaden KeelingFollow



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Academic Level at Time of Creation


Date of Creation

Fall 10-12-2018

Artist Statement

Happy Family Company was inspired by the people I meet on mission trips I take every two years. It is a wonderful experience that I encourage everyone I meet to partake in. Although mission trips are usually emotionally exhausting, overall the mood I experience is happiness. There is happiness within the families, as well as excitement and joy when they see our team. I revisit old friends and make new ones. My Jamaican friends are positive people who do not dwell on what they do not have.

This is the inspiration I wanted to capture in my brand. My brand was targeted to be positive and upbeat propaganda with a personal touch. I used this color scheme to grab viewers attention through bright colors, and to convey happy vibes.

Two of my greatest inspirations for graphic design is Stefan Sagmeister and Louise Fili. Sagmeister often uses hand lettering as well as strong complementary colors, such as black, white, and yellow. In his shows he has a strong branded feeling, which is what I wanted to capture. Fili has beautiful, elegant hand-lettering that is also associated in a brand.

Hand-lettered and hand-drawn is an important detail of my branding. I feel like this was a nice compliment to the sanserif typography and helped the words stand out. The hand drawn elements were created to be a balance between the use of photography, webbing and animation.

This brand was created to be experienced from screen to print, I wanted the animation of “Happy Family Company” to strongly suit the happy and light nature of the brand. The commercial it comes alive in was made to highlight the joy of the children, I wanted the viewers to visually see and hear the excitement of the children.


Mr. Mike Martin


Branding Series

Photo Credit

Jaden B Keeling

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Happy Family Company



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