Author/Artist Name

Conner MurtFollow



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Academic Level at Time of Creation


Date of Creation

Spring 4-23-2021

Artist Statement

This work is a study of everyday spaces and activities of daily living that are often overlooked. These photographs capture raw moments of people’s lives, without artistic fabrication, communicating a sense of candor. I create photographs of interior spaces that stand out mentally to me and which include objects with unique characteristics. I illustrate portions of a given location, but intentionally do not give away all of the specifics of the space. There is an absence of a figure, yet symbolic fingerprints are apparent in these very personal spaces. Although the individual is not the focus, the space or environment is enriched by the past and future presence of that individual. The un-fixed daily activities and scenarios captured in my scenes provide insight to an individual and the life they lead. Oftentimes, big highlights of people’s lives are the only memories captured by photographs; however, photographing everyday domestic objects offers a realistic viewpoint of life to reflect upon and view in a different light. I invite the viewer to take an active role in the work by means of reflection, personal interpretation, or memory through life experience.

The search that is involved in finding the spaces for the photographs is of greater importance than the editing and post-process that follows the making of the photographs. I provide balance and context to the subject of the photographs through the framing of the scene, thus allowing a story to be ascertained. The consistent presence of the individuals’ responsible for the space and their physical absence within the photographs propels the continuation of this conundrum. The photographs depict spaces and physical domestic objects that have worn over time, providing a conclusion in a still frame while allowing the onlooker to imagine the story that may have led up to that point. These snapshots of everyday life allow the mind of the viewer to wander and allow the photo to play out in a variety of ways that are dependent upon their mood, life experience, and personal interests. -Conner Murt


Michelle Burdine; Mike Martin


Digital Photography, Series of 4 images 17" x 11"

Photo Credit

Conner Murt

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.




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