"BA/BS Senior Show" by Emily Netherton

Author/Artist Name

Emily NethertonFollow



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Download EmilyNetherton_HiddenIdentity.jpg (1.9 MB)

Download EmilyNetherton_Ocean.jpg (2.0 MB)

Download EmilyNetherton_Ocean.jpg (2.0 MB)

Download EmilyNetherton_ThreeFaced.jpg (2.6 MB)

Academic Level at Time of Creation


Date of Creation

Spring 4-23-2021

Artist Statement

Memory is a complicated thing. We often long to hold unto the past, but struggle to actually remember it accurately. We place such importance on memories that we continually collect artifacts to remember things by. We take pictures to remember moments. We hold onto personal items to remember people. We often display these artifacts and spend so much time with them that we place more importance on the objects than the memories associated with them. The relationship with our past and our past selves is complicated. It is both the same person we are now, and a completely separate person from who we are now. We tend to romanticize our past selves even though our memory of that self is inaccurate. In my work, I focus on reconnecting those objects to the memories, and addressing the attachment we have to them. I break down the process of memory, and depict the lack of clarity we have around memory. I also address the relationship we have with our past selves and how we have changed. I tend to use simplified figures and bits of color to obscure memories, in the same way our memories and self are distorted over time. I paint on frames and other storage items in order to communicate our tendency to store and sort our memories in a safe place to be accessed later. I also paint on other found objects to portray our inclination towards connecting our memories to random yet specific objects


Danielle Muzina


Three Faced

Acrylic on paper pasted on wood


Hidden Identity

Acrylic on paper pasted on wood



Acrylic on panel

23” x23”


Acrylic on paper pasted on wood


Broken Childhood (Part 1)

Acrylic on vinyl record


Broken Childhood (Part 2)

Acrylic on vinyl record


Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

BA/BS Senior Show



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