End of Life Care: The Selfless and Necessary Decisions to Make


The society of the United States of America needs more awareness of the means to have quality End-of-Life care. Although it is already a topic that is discussed between physicians and patients of age 65 years old and older, additional education about the importance of items such as advanced directives and a durable power of attorney should be done at a younger age. Having a full understanding of what is involved with advanced care planning can help to make that stage of life much more peaceful for everyone. Educating patients on the different types of care available, types of advance directives available, and the importance of each. Quality of end-of life care is also very important during this stage. Knowing what one wants and doesn’t want verses the family or medical staff having to make the decisions for the patient in this case. Educating patients about end-of-life care and advanced directives will vary from state to state. Knowing how they vary from each state can be useful to patients who reside in more than one state. Understanding how necessary and important end-of-life care is, can help this part of life be much more peaceful.

Year Manuscript Completed

Fall 2018

Senior Project Advisor

G. Michael Barton

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Health Care Administration

Document Type


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