The Couch Collective, A Supportive Program to Help Communities Address Youth with Depression


The problem of depression and anxiety among the youth of this country is overwhelming. From news reports about teen suicide to statistics regarding the mental health of teenagers, it is obvious that there is an issue. This issue is not just confined to the inner city, it also touches the most rural areas and small towns. Depression and anxiety affect kids from all types of backgrounds. With all the options for treatment, why is there still such a problem?

This paper explains the problem and the causes of youth depression and talks about the need for more creative solutions. Out of this need the “Couch Collective” was created. The Couch Collective is a supportive program designed to help communities engage in conversations with youth about depression and other mental health issues. It gives the youth a place to be able to freely discuss what they are going through and helps them feel accepted and not feel alone.

Year Manuscript Completed

Spring 2019

Senior Project Advisor

Professor Jeffry Wylie

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Human Services

Document Type


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