
Within each community there are local charities that have a social responsibility to the people they serve; however, when these charities decide which community, they want to establish themselves in; those communities are unaware of how that particular charity will be a benefit to them and their neighbors. Will these organizations take from the community under the guise of support, or will they keep their word, as a charity for the people, and give back to the community? Using the Social Penetration Theory (SPT) and its on focus on revealing one’s true inner self, this paper analyzes the role of the business in the face of community need. This paper will show how local charities will uncover and reveal each layer until its true core is revealed through providing services for its community to help with employment, healthcare, education, housing, hunger, military, and disasters.

The Social Penetration Theory, coined by Irwin Alman and Dalmas Taylor, focuses on forming a “deeper intimacy with another person through mutual self-disclosure and other forms of vulnerability”. The Social Penetration Theory or SPT uses the illustration of layers of an onion to demonstrate the multiple layers of one’s personality, with each layer revealing a deeper or more personal detail of one’s self, making a person more vulnerable, protected, and central to one’s self-image (A first look at Communication Theory, ch 8 pg 97, 2015).

Year Manuscript Completed

Summer 2019

Senior Project Advisor

Teri Ray/ Marla Poyner

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Agricultural Studies

Document Type

Thesis - Murray State Access only

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