The Evolution of Helmet Technology and its Effects on Traumatic Brain Injury Incidences


As the discovery and focus on traumatic brain injury has increased within the past century, great advancements in design, materials, and standards of helmets have occurred. Starting with a history of the helmet, this research moves on to discuss the basics of traumatic brain injury, treatment history, helmet development, standards within the various industries that utilize helmets as personal protective equipment, and testing methods. At the conclusion of the research, it was found that helmet materials and safety standards have decreased the severity of penetration based TBI, while failing to account for blast induced TBI in research and development of new helmets. The recommendation is then given to further research designs and materials of helmets that may encounter potentially harmful blasts, increase both the rigors and implementation of government mandated safety standards, and encourage the industries that are at risk for TBI to analyze and potentially alter the nature of their endeavors so as to decrease the risk of encountering a TBI causing event.

Year Manuscript Completed

Fall 2020

Senior Project Advisor

Tricia Ann Jordan, PhD

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Safety Sciences

Document Type


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