Arm Health, Injury, and a Plan for the Future


Youth today are suffering career ending arm injuries in the sports of baseball and softball at an alarming rate. Once seasonal sports, baseball and softball have become year-round commitments that are taking their toll on our youth’s arm’s and their ability to enjoy the game. Arm health is being heavily scrutinized at all levels of organized sports, creating dialogue and modifications to the way we play the games today, and causing some to leave the sports altogether. With many youth specializing in baseball and softball at an early age, ROM (range of motion), velocity, endurance, and core strength have become staples in youth throwing programs. Technology, equipment, and biomechanical knowledge advancements have fueled youth travel baseball and softball into a multi-billion-dollar industry. With the lure of athletic scholarships and million dollar signing bonuses, many young kids are being exposed to extensive training and arm health issues much more quickly than previous generations. Why is it happening to our youth, and what can be done to fix it?

Year Manuscript Completed

Fall 2020

Senior Project Advisor

Tricia Jordan, PhD

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Health & Exercise Studies

Document Type


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