Behavior in Children With Intellectual Disability


The purpose of this paper is intended to provide better insight on what type of behaviors and how to handle behaviors related to children with intellectual disability and how intellectual disability can cause higher risks in certain areas of life. Intellectual disability also known as ID, is common among many people of all ages and can be misdiagnosed in children if proper testing is not performed. Aside from stating that children who are intellectually disabled have a greater risk of also developing behavior disorders, this paper will explore different types of behaviors children with ID can or normally will demonstrate. It will point out how intellectual disability relates to different behaviors such as suicide, self-injury, drug use, school dropouts, and criminal acts. Identifying how to handle those behaviors and ways to spot signs for each behavior is an important part of this piece, spotlighting on specific behaviors only found in children diagnosed with intellectual disability and how to respond to them.

Year Manuscript Completed

Fall 2020

Senior Project Advisor

Dr. Scott Douglas

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Human Services

Document Type


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