

Non-traditional college students face many barriers in higher education. Non-traditional student enrollment is on the increase but a significant number of these students never make it to graduation day. Financial struggles, family obligations, juggling careers, self-confidence, and the covid-19 pandemic pose as the greatest barriers to success for these students. Research surrounding these problems and current solutions already in place have increased in recent decades but little has helped to improve graduation rates. Last dollar scholarships, increases in grants, and resources for low income students are being utilized at post-secondary institutions all over the United States but need to be expanded even further. Daycare centers are becoming more popular on campuses but uniform adoption of this policy is needed to help all student parents. Mental health resources are available on college campuses but these services are in dire need of being expanded and promoted. Faculty and administration have the opportunity to expand success of non-traditional students if they adopt a holistic approach to teaching and dealing with students.

Keywords: non-traditional student, higher education, post-secondary education institution

Year Manuscript Completed

Spring 2022

Senior Project Advisor

Rachel Evitts

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Educational Studies

Document Type

