"In-Schools Suspension (ISS) and Out of School Suspension (OSS): The Ef" by Jennifer Connell



The effects of ISS (In school suspension) and OSS (out-of-school suspension) on special education students is a long-debated issue. Using a high school in a rural, suburban area as a foundation, the history of special education in schools, the disproportionate handing out of punishment between general education and special education students, the effects of segregation versus having special education students in general education classes, as well as how to better support special education students in the educational setting will be explored.

In this disquisition, the history of special education in schools and the effects of suspensions on special education students will be discussed. It will also be explored how these types of punishments segregate them even more and are not helpful in changing the desired behavior. In most instances, it amps them up and can cause students to give up and drop out, among other things. The reasons behind some of these behaviors and how educators can use the resources available to support them in the classroom better will also be explored. Some points will be made about how punishments are disproportionate between special education students and general education students for the same actions, as well as some of the restorative practices used in the education setting. Segregating special education students in self-contained classrooms is not beneficial to helping them to achieve their social skill goals will be another part of the discussion.

Year Manuscript Completed

Spring 2023

Senior Project Advisor

Dr. Scott Douglas

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Educational Studies

Document Type

