The Importance of Leadership Succession in an Established Institution


Leadership is an instrumental aspect in organizations. Leaders guide organizations in the right direction, managing others towards the organizational set objectives. Influential leaders are individuals with the right skills and expertise, essential in solving various problems while outlining ideas that guide businesses in profit-making and growth. The sourcing process for the leader is crucial since it allows top leadership to choose individuals with the right traits that are likely to spearhead and inspire organizations in the right direction (Atwood, 2020). Organizations employ different measures to acquire leaders. Leadership succession has become a new trend in many organizations, where leaders from within the company are selected to replace the outgoing individuals, such as retirees, sacked or dead leaders. Leadership succession involves identifying and developing new leaders from within the organization to occupy vacant positions (Kandade et al., 2020). The top management must identify others within the organization and develop them to occupy new positions. Organizations should have a succession plan to ensure an orderly plan to replace outgoing individuals with others who possess the understanding of the company and leadership skills. The paper explores the impacts of leadership succession planning in an organization by reviewing existing research.

Year Manuscript Completed

Fall 2022

Senior Project Advisor

Marla Poyner

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Agricultural Studies

Document Type


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