"Effective Instructional Strategies" by Dylan Scully

Effective Instructional Strategies


The U.S. education system, particularly at the high school level, has struggled with implementing effective educational procedures Research-based instructional strategies are effective when implemented in the classroom with a high level of ‘fidelity of implementation.’ Through considering the data, audience, and fidelity, teachers can use this document as a guide to research-based instructional strategies in the classroom. Research-based instructional strategies have a wide range of audiences that can benefit from their implementation. Strategies range from one-on-one instruction to whole group discussion. Some strategies work well with some audiences and not with others. Understanding the instructional goal and the student being taught is important when implementing research-based instructional strategies. Implementing these strategies in the classroom presents challenges such as teacher reluctance to comply Keeping these barriers in mind is also important for successful research-based instructional strategy implementation. This paper is a culmination of research that presents effective instructional strategies and practices with the hope of creating a document teachers can utilize to identify research-based strategies that will increase their effectiveness in the classroom (March, 1978). Using research-based instructional strategies as described in this document can produce an increase in student achievement ranging from one percent to eighty percent (Marzano, 2011; March, 1978).

Year Manuscript Completed

Fall 2022

Senior Project Advisor

Tricia Jordan

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Applied Sciences

Document Type

Thesis - Murray State Access only

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