"Leadership of Generation Z" by Taylor Sauer

Leadership of Generation Z


This paper addresses the rapid influx of the Generation Z cohort into our current workforce. It is a look at the attitude, upbringing, and background of Generation Z. How parenting, events throughout their lives and the impact of technology effected their development. An in depth look at their motivations relating to job security, work-life balance, and career goals. A look at their abilities such as technical skills along with communication and social profile. An examination of several styles of leadership models with their strengths and weaknesses. A recommended approach to leadership for businesses and managers of Generation Z based on character traits and preferences.

Keywords: Generation Z, Leadership, Contemporary Approaches, Authentic Leadership

Year Manuscript Completed

Summer 2022

Senior Project Advisor

Tricia Jordan, Ph.D.

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Commerce & Leadership

Document Type


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