"The Impact of Daycares on the Infants, Toddlers and Preschoolers’ Prep" by Kaia Clavon

The Impact of Daycares on the Infants, Toddlers and Preschoolers’ Preparation for Kindergarten


Daycare can have a major impact when it comes to helping the child prepare for kindergarten. While many families may become overwhelmed with the thought of finding a daycare that is suitable for their child, the positive effects that a daycare can have could play a pivotal role in their academic career. For many families, daycare could be considered a vital force for families, as some may need extra support in their everyday lives. While there may be both positives and negatives when choosing the correct daycare, the effects that it can have on the child could help them as they begin to grow. Daycares tend to focus on the developmental stages of the child and can help with making sure the child is able to reach those developmental milestones and could bring up if they are behind on them. Daycare exists as an available tool to help families grow and prosper as children continue to reach new milestones.

Keywords: Daycare, Developmental stages, Advantages and Disadvantages, Skills

Year Manuscript Completed

Spring 2024

Senior Project Advisor

Tricia Jordan, Ph.D

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Educational Studies

Document Type

Thesis - Murray State Access only

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