
The evolution and globalization of social media have made dissemination of information fast and easy. Therefore, social media has led to significant interaction among people worldwide, resulting in substantial benefits and setbacks. Social media has revolutionized every sector of the economy, resulting in mental, emotional, physical, and cognitive problems for online users. Genes, education, and the environment have been shown to affect human behavior. Human beings have become more socially connected through social media platforms. Social media involves various ways which contribute to effects on human psychology. First, time spent on social media platforms positively correlates with addiction, phubbing, and social exclusion cases, leading to depression and mental issues. Another is cyberbullying, which has significantly resulted in psychological problems such as suicidal ideation by online cyberbullying victims. In addition, other ways social media affects human psychology that have been discussed in detail include social media comparison and envy, informational overload and cognitive overwhelm, fear of missing out (FOMO), self-representation and self-identity, and privacy concerns and anxiety. The study has tried to explain the relationship between social media, social interaction, and mental health issues.

Keywords: Interpersonal communication, Intra-levels, Phubbing, Asthenopia, Suicidal ideation, cognitive overload, inauthentic self-representation, technological affordances

Year Manuscript Completed

Fall 2023

Senior Project Advisor

Tricia Jordan

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Agricultural Studies

Document Type


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