Murray State Theses and Dissertations


This dissertation investigates the effect of teachers' extracurricular involvement on their job satisfaction and self-efficacy. It analyzes a single school district in Alabama and investigates potential factors in the declining teacher graduation rates and high teacher turnover in Alabama. This study addresses the gap in the existing research on how these extracurricular roles influence teachers’ professional well-being and self-efficacy.

The research implemented a quantitative approach, using abbreviated versions of Bandura’s Teacher Self-Efficacy Survey and the Teacher Job Satisfaction Questionnaire to measure how those metrics are affected by coaching a sport or sponsoring an extracurricular club or organization. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) tests were applied to investigate the relationship between these extracurricular duties and job satisfaction and self-efficacy, categorizing teachers as those who coach, sponsor activities, or hold no such duties.

Preliminary findings suggest varied results. Extracurricular duties appear to have little to no effect on job satisfaction. In contrast, self-efficacy seems to be affected by sponsoring a club or activity while not being affected by coaching a sport. This study additionally identifies the strong relationship between self-efficacy and job satisfaction while identifying classroom management as a prominent factor for each of these metrics.

Year manuscript completed


Year degree awarded


Author's Keywords

Teacher Job Satisfaction, Teacher Self-Efficacy, Coaching, Extracurricular

Dissertation Committee Chair

Landon C Clark

Committee Member

Eric Batts

Committee Member

Ashley Bowling

Document Type

