"Examining the Role that Agricultural Education Programs Play in Studen" by Wesley Estes

Murray State Theses and Dissertations


This dissertation explores the influence that Agriculture Education programs, at all levels, have on student choice of careers in production agriculture. The average age of a farmer in the United States is increasing, and the shortage of young people returning to family farming operations (or beginning operations of their own) becomes more apparent each year. This study utilizes focus groups of professionals to gather information about the factors that influence student choice in agriculture careers, and the ability of agriculture education programs to either enhance or mitigate those factors. For the purposes of this study, Agriculture Education programs of all levels are observed. These include: 4-H, Secondary School Chapters of the National FFA Organization, Young Farmers of America (YFA), Extension, and Collegiate/Trade school programs. The components that these programs share is examined, including curriculum content, experiential learning opportunities, mentorship and apprenticeship programs, and continued education into adulthood. This study also focuses on those involved in full-time, production agriculture careers. Their insight to this problem allows a look at the issue from outside the silo of education, and provides opportunities for the agricultural education programs listed to better serve their members. The dissertation concludes with recommendations to the leaders of the agricultural education programs listed, as well as opportunities for engagement with additional stakeholders in their success. By providing a deeper understanding of student career choice, this dissertation aims to help address the issues that keep young people away from the farm.

Keywords: agricultural education, production agriculture, career choice, agriculture education programs.

Year manuscript completed


Year degree awarded


Author's Keywords

agricultural education, production agriculture, career choice, agriculture education programs.

Degree Awarded

Doctor of Education




College of Education & Human Services

Dissertation Committee Chair

Kristie Guffey

Committee Member

Randal Wilson

Committee Member

Trent Wells

Document Type

