"Rural and Regional Arts Organizations" by Elise Lael Kieffer

Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Date


Publication Title

Business Issues in the Arts


Organizational Communication


Arthur J. Bauernfeind College of Business


This chapter presents the arts operating in two specific regions. Where arts organizations are located informs the political climate in which they work, their methods, and their constituency. The Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) was founded by an act of congress in 1965 and is tasked with five key goals. These goals include increasing economic opportunities within the region, improving workforce readiness, developing and maintaining critical infrastructure, utilizing and leveraging natural and cultural assets within the region, and developing leadership and community capacity (ARC, 2019). This area is defined by persistent poverty and reduced economic opportunity. Local issues are, in fact, Appalachian region issues. It is these very concerns that the ARC was established to negotiate and mitigate, yet the ARC does not routinely fund the arts or arts activities. This area of need within Appalachian communities remains unmet. The Southeastern Arts Leadership Educators (SALE) supports the definition, teaching, theory, and practice of transformative arts administration in the southeastern United States. Members of SALE share the sentiment that current arts administration professional organizations do not meet the specific needs of the southeastern United States, a region always confronting the affects of its history of racial and social injustice. This chapter serves to explore the value of regional arts organizations and the common challenges they face.


This is an Accepted Manuscript of a chapter published by Taylor & Francis in Business Issues in the Arts, available at https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781003207535-11/rural-regional-arts-organizations-elise-lael-kieffer



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