"Book Reviews"

Jackson Purchase Historical Society Journal Archive

Jackson Purchase Historical Society Journal Archive



Book Reviews:

The Historic Reelfoot Lake Region: An Early History of the People and Places of Western Obion and Present Day Lake County by David G. Hayes

Bobbie Bryant

The Wild World of the Jackson Purchase by Richard Dwayne Parker

Melissa Webb Earnest

Tariff Wars and the Politics of Jacksonian America by William K. Bolt

Jonathan Dunning

For Slavery and Union: Benjamin Buckner and Kentucky Loyalties in the Civil War by Patrick A. Lewis.

Stephen Powell

On A Burning Deck, The Road to Akron: An Oral History of the Great Migration, Vol. 1, and On A Burning Deck, Return to Akron: An Oral History of the Great Migration, Vol. 2 by Tom Jomes

Tracey Newport

Kentucky’s Rebel Press: Pro-Confederate Media and the Secession Crisis by Berry Craig

George Humphreys

Committed to Victory: The Kentucky Home Front during World War II by Richard E. Holl

George Humphreys



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