"Book Reviews: "The Green River of Kentucky"; Et al."

Jackson Purchase Historical Society Journal Archive

Jackson Purchase Historical Society Journal Archive



Book Reviews edited by Walter Darrell Haden

The Green River of Kentucky, Martha Y. Battle

Stars of Country Music: Uncle Dave Macon to Johnny Rodriguez, B. W. Keene

Life in the Leatherwoods, Patrick R. Taylor, Ph.D.

Medina and Other Poems, Reed Sanderlin, Ph.D.

The Battle of Belmont, Missouri: A Brief History, Langdon S. Unger

The Mid-West Indian Relic Manual, Phillip J. Miller

Religion in Antebellum Kentucky, Mary D. Cowser

An Asian Anthropologist in the South, Walter Darrell Haden

Land Between the Lakes: Experiment in Recreation, Marvin Downing, Ph.D.

George Rogers Clark and the War in the West, R. L. Brittain, Ph.D.

Old Columbus: The Town That Was, Phillip J. Miller

Kentucky and the Second American Revolution: The War of 1812, James V. Wehner, Ph.D.

American Indian Policy in the Jacksonian Era, Walter Darrell Haden



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